For yet another experience communing with nature under the bright California sunshine, we headed out to Topanga State Park early on the morning of April 16, with Vlada, Luka, Marina and Tomo. We started off at 7am from "Trippet Ranch" and decided to hike the same trail to Eagle Rock where Vlada, Marina and I had gone a year ago. This time we headed up the fire road under a fierce wind and returned on the more peaceful, shadier Eagle Rock Loop Trail. Both fire road and trail offer spectacular vistas. As Marina put it at some point on the way down: "you guys want views, evo vam views!"
Later that morning, after making a stop at Marina's place, we went shopping at my favorite place in Pasadena: the Farmer's Market which is held every Saturday morning. At this fabulous market we found some amazing organic mandarines, raspberries and strawberries, radishes and green asparagus. There we had our traditional breakfast of organic fresh pomegranate juice and those delicious tri-berry scones, made by a french baker who owns the Sconeage Bakery in Long Beach. While Vlada was shopping for vegetables, I bought yet another lavender for Milica's garden.
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