On this blog, I'll mostly post pictures taken during my travels. Occasionally, I will post notes on one of my passions: books.
Sur ce blog, il y a surtout des photos prises au cours de mes voyages. A l'occasion, j'y parlerai aussi d'une de mes passions: les livres.
We went on Monday afternoon to Descanso Gardens in La Canada Flintridge. During our trip to Monrovia last year at about the same time, we had gone to the LA County Arboretum & Botanic Garden and to the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San Marino. At Descanso we saw California wildflowers including one of my favorites: the bright orange California poppy (right), lilacs and cherry trees in bloom, lavender and olive trees and quite a few lizards. Later that day, before going to our friend Marina's place for dinner, we stopped at Arlington Garden, an amazing community garden in Pasadena which Marina had recommended the day before.
[French version] Lundi après-midi nous sommes allés visiter “Descanso Gardens” situé dans la communauté de La Canada Flintridge. Durant notre visite a Monrovia l’an dernier, à la même période de l’année, nous étions allé visiter le “LA County Arboretum” et le “Huntington Gardens” de la ville de San Marino. Au Descanso nous avons vu des fleurs sauvages de Californie, y compris une de mes préférées: le coquelicot de Californie (photo à droite), des lilas et des cerisiers en fleur, des lavandes et des oliviers, et quelques lézards. Plus tard dans la journée, avant d’aller diner chez notre amie Marina, nous nous sommes arrêtés à Arlington Garden, un jardin communautaire à Pasadena assez incroyable dont Marina nous avait parlé la veille.
These pictures were taken in Topanga State Park, where we went for a hike on the early morning of Sunday March 28. The three of us, Marina, Vlada and I had a bit of trouble finding the trail, probably because of a lack of caffeine, and first took a path that lead us to the ranger's house. The hike (Eagle Rock Trail) was spectacular, with views of the ocean in the distance and strange looking rock formations along the way. It was early morning and we only ran into a few people, two people in a tent, a group of men on mountain bikes and a lone jogger. Marina taught me the name of a California native wildflower: the monkey flower.
Vlada and I went to visit Grandma Milica in Monrovia at the end of March. We arrived on a Thursday. On Saturday, we picked up Luka and Tara at the Greyhound bus station in downtown LA. After arriving home, the kids were in charge, among other things, of making fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice and lemonade for the party in the afternoon. All this was done using the fruit picked from the trees in the garden, something one cannot do where I am from. The party was fun. I got to meet a lot of Milica's relatives whom I had heard of from Vlada over the years. Richard made srpski caj ("serbian tea"), also called kuvana rakija, which quickly put everyone in the best of moods.
Vladimir et moi sommes allés render visite à grand-mère Militsa à Monrovia fin Mars. Nous sommes arrivés à Los Angeles un jeudi. Le samedi suivant, nous sommes allés chercher Luka et Tara à la gare de bus Greyhound dans le centre ville. De retour à la maison de la grand-mère, les petits jeunes furent rapidement chargés, entre autres, de presser des pamplemousses et des citrons pour la fête d’anniversaire de Militsa prévue pour l’après-midi. Ce travail fut fait avec les citrons du jardin, une impossibilité dans la region d’où je viens. La fête fut très réussie. Je fis la connaissance de nombreuses personnes de la famille de Militsa dont j’avais entendu parler depuis des années. Richard prépara du “thé serbe” (“raki cuit”), qui mis les invités assez rapidement de très bonne humeur.